Case Study

See Scottsville Counseling Center’s Growth With TherapySites

Amanda G. Patrick, M.A.

Client Since: 2018
Location: Scottsville, KY
Practice Size: Group Practice

Increasing Patient Reach and Appointments Booked Every Year

300+ Monthly Site Visitors

12 Appointment Form
Leads Per Month

#1 Therapist on Google Search
Results in Scottsville, KY


Amanda Patrick was getting ready to open her new practice and begin building a patient base
from scratch. Located in rural Kentucky and without a web presence, there was a lingering
concern of how to reach more patients to provide quality care for their needs. If Scottsville
Counseling Center couldn’t be found or heard of, then expanded reach would be near impossible.


TherapySites worked with Amanda to create a website that spoke to her
practice’s unique, holistic approach of quality care. The friendly support team
helped to build her site, enhance her search engine optimization in order to rank
above the competition, and establish an additional presence on social media.


With her digital marketing presence established, Scottsville Counseling Center has
grown from a solo practitioner to a group practice that continues to expand, both in
staff and in location size. Amanda is now the number one choice on search engine
results for Scottsville therapists and has expanded her services to foster new options,
such as energy psychology, nature/outdoor therapy, group workshops, and much more.

“I was able to get my website up and running before actually opening the door to
my practice. Pretty impressive, especially since I work full time in a different job.”

- Amanda G. Patrick, M.A., Founder/Owner of Scottsville Counseling Center

About Scottsville Counseling Center

As a team of solution-focused therapists, Scottsville's goal is to help uncover a patient's true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. Their approach of collaborating to better understand and resolve challenges in life helps to craft a journey forward that is filled with hope and possibility. By applying complementary therapy approaches and techniques, the team at Scottsville Counseling Center can unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding patients back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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